
Latest Customer Reviews

Here are some of our customer reviews posted on their social media and instagram.

Latest updated Kinley Reviews from our Instagram can be found here You may see more updated reviews by clicking on hashtag #KinleyReviews on Instagram

We strive to serve you the best food and service, our staff are trained and reminded all the time to serve you as guests to our restaurant. However, we are all only human and mistakes may occur from time to time. Please do tell us if you have a feedback for us to improve via DM instagram, email or Whatsapp found in contacts. Give us a chance to improve.

If you love our food, please tell your friends and family, your kind support is very much appreciated for us to continue to survive, grow and motivate us to keep serving you in our best effort. Kop Khun Kah Mak mak…


Other Customer Reviews

Previously posted reviews are found here Kinley Reviews and  Kinley Thai Bistro Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews Since 2014