Sun Plaza Level 4
Blk C 52-57 (infront/depan atrium lift)
Jl. KH Zainul Arifin No.7 Medan 20152 Indonesia
Tel: +6261 4501288
email: kinleybistro(at)gmail.com
Scan Whatsapp QR untuk save dan contact untuk delivery +62-815-22-545454
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untuk save/simpan contact card Kinley Bistro, Ada nomor WA delivery, Link ke Gojek dan Grab. Mana tau tiba tiba ngidem masakan / dessert Thailand
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Heres the Google Map to get to Sun Plaza Medan.
Sun Plaza, Jln Zainul Arifin No. 7, Medan
We are on level 4 of Sun Plaza, right infront of the atrium lift / elevator
Please call us if you need further directions or reservations at 061-4501288